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Marketing Tools for Martial Arts And Fitness Business Owners

by 97display on

Fall is right around the corner and the change in season also brings Fall weather and much-needed reprieve from the heat. Yet, as a Martial Arts or Fitness business owner, you need to ramp up your marketing!

This time of year is also the perfect opportunity to up grade your online marketing strategy! This is why 97Display, the website solution used by top Martial Arts & Fitness Businesses around the world, has several tools and benefits designed to help business owners beat the competition.

Online Offers 3.0

There’s nothing better for boosting your bottom-line and gaining trial members than with online offers on your website. You can set up promotional offers of any kind through the backend of your website. Online Offers 3.0, streamlines the sales process by adding a lead form at the beginning of the checkout process (so you can capture the information of prospects that “abandon their cart.”) PLUS promotions are made easier with Discount Codes! Codes can be featured in advertising campaigns and users can easily apply their discounts automatically on your checkout page!

Connect & Convert – Email Nurture System

On average, it takes 8 contacts before a business is successful at getting in touch with a lead. Connect & Convert is an email nurture solution designed to help business owners stay in contact with leads and nurture them toward becoming members. Email automation is a simple and easy way to stay “top of mind” for leads interested in your programs but not quite ready to buy now. Connect & Convert comes in two package options, Basic and Pro. Connect & Convert Basic supplies you with 10 prewritten emails that can be scheduled to be sent out to your liking. This is a perfect gateway to figuring out what kind of emails your prospects respond to most. Then you can segwa\y into a more advanced email nurture strategy. Connect & Convert Pro incorporates strategically placing 20 custom-written emails alongside text notifications and analyzing conversion data for ultimate performance.

Instant Lead Notifications

According to a Harvard Business study, a potential client is 80% MORE LIKELY to convert if you call them in the first five minutes after they submitted themselves as a lead, opposed to an hour. Once a lead is submitted through your business’s website, 97Display’s Instant Connect feature allows you to immediately receive a call asking if you would like to connect with that lead RIGHT NOW.

97Display is always looking for ways to expand our notification system and create ways for our clients to easily interact with leads. This is why we’re currently in the final stages of expanding our SMS Text feature that will let you easily and instantly text back and forth with clients through the backend of your website.


Lastly, Facebook and Google ads will be a must this summer to help supplement traffic during the fall months. By runnings ads, you can reach your target audience and supplement your website leads. 97Display offers a wide range of Facebook and Google ads packages that can help grow your business during this busy time. If you currently don’t run ads and would like to know more, book a time to speak with our PPC specialists to find out more information.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to anyone of our Support Specialists by calling (888) 973-4775 or emailing