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Using Personal Images on Your Fitness or Martial Arts Website

by 97display on
karate websites

The Importance of Using Personal Images

Clients commonly ask us if it is better to use stock images or personal images on their fitness or karate websites.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and when you use your own pictures, these words give viewers insight into your business. By using personal photos on your website, your viewers can get a clear vision of:

  • Your class sizes
  • Your Instructors or Staff
  • What exercises or drills are involved in each lesson
  • And your facility

By using your own images you can show off what makes your business great! The imagery on your website is a great opportunity to present leads with images of everything from your beautiful facility to your friendly staff.

fitness website ideas

Taking Your Own Photos

While we are always advocates for professional photography on websites, you can also take quality photographs with your phone! Professional photography can be expensive and smartphones are a great tool to use to capture moments in your business. Here are a few tips on how to take some website-worthy shots with your smartphone camera:

  1. Shoot in Landscape – When you hold your phone horizontally to take photos, you can display large, clear banner-style images across your website pages instead of tall, skinny photos to format alongside your text.
  2. Be Aware of Your Lighting – If possible, shoot your photos in areas of your facility with a lot of natural light. This way photos are bright and clear.
  3. Shoot “Still” Subjects – Action shots are awesome but smartphone cameras just don’t have the shutter speeds to support them. To avoid blurry pictures, focus on taking photos of subjects that aren’t on the move. Leave the action shots to video 😉

Using Stock Photographs

Not much of a photographer? No problem. For anyone who doesn’t have their own images, or doesn’t feel the like the pictures they do have are good enough for their website, stock images are also a good option. While they don’t give much insight to your business, stock images are always bright, crisp, and professional! Which is why 97Display offers a variety of stock images to include on your website.

Have more questions about using personal images on your website? Give us a call! (888) 973-4775